Your Fuel Cell Systems Partner
From first concept to SOP
Hydrogen and fuel cells can be the foundation of future mobility, providing a variety of benefits.
Our Services
Our Experience
For more than 20 years, FEV has been working on solutions that make fuel cells a more efficient and practicable powertrain option. This experience, along with our extensive global network of suppliers, makes our team a valuable resource for supplier management from concept to SOP. Throughout the process, our experts abide by vehicle-specific technical specs as well as customer and industry legal requirements.

Fuel Cell System Development
We have provided our expertise in fuel cell systems for several major projects involving subcompact passenger vehicles, commercial trucks and railroad trains. Our team provides system development and design, build, vehicle integration, commissioning, calibration and testing of components as well as of complete fuel cell systems. We utilize our extensive background in using simulation on the vehicle level to determine powertrain proportions to identify optimal size of the drive train, fuel cell system and battery. Design of the fuel cells system is aided by more detailed simulation on the fuel cell system level or 3D simulations on component level. Depending on the customer’s needs and resources, market-available products can be used or custom-made components can be developed.
The first hydrogen refueling station in Aachen

Fuel Cell System Testing
FEV operates five dedicated test benches for testing fuel cell systems of up to 200 kW. In addition, environmental conditions between -40° C (-40° F) and +120° C (+248° F) with 10-98% relative humidity are possible. Our large-scale hydrogen infrastructure and supply offer continuous and cost-efficient operation of systems of all sizes. And the ability to precisely create tailor-made gas mixtures directly in the test bench allows us to test fuel cells with various fuel qualities.
We bring our more than 25 years of benchmarking experience to fuel cell systems, providing full vehicle, component and system assessments.

Fuel Cell Control System Development
In 2000, FEV established a fuel cell system plant model library, which we have been continuously updating and improving. The comprehensive structure includes fuel cell system control on a system, subsystem and actuator level. This modular approach facilitates adaption of software to a variety of systems and topologies. This capability and experience allows our team to identify the best fuel cell system for your application and develop a custom operation and control strategy for your fuel cell system.
Interested? Please contact our fuel cell experts!

Dr.-Ing. Marius Walters
Global Product Line Manager Fuel Cell